

Jenna Rycroft

A founding member of arguably one of the greatest rock and roll bands ever. His vision and  musical style continued its influence long after he was gone. 

Universally considered one of, if not the greatest guitarist of all time. He tore sounds from the heavens, electric melodies that no one had ever heard before. 

Using the blues as a mouthpiece, her voice was an unrelenting release of emotion incarnate, raw and organic, freed by her vulnerability, and spilling over with sexuality.


Erratic and unpredictable, his undeniable presence would make him influential, but the poeticism of his lyrics and rebellious nature of his antics would make him an icon. 

The reluctant voice of a generation, his songs turned contemporary rock on its head, forever changing it. His death would crystallize the theory of the 27 club. 

Our newest member, so we’ve been told. The retro queen: sultry, soulful, and haunting. We bowed down to her retoolings of the music of our parents’ generation. 

Prisoners of their own image, they fell from the sky like dying stars. We watched silently from the wings before accepting our new martyrs. The beautifully broken.


Jenna Rycroft lives on Massachusetts' North Shore with her wife and most handsome cat. You'll likely find her reading on the beach, finishing a puzzle, or playing guitar.